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Republicans Launch WinRed to Compete with ActBlue

June 26, 2019

Excerpt: “WinRed, which officially went live on Monday, has been hailed as the conservative alternative to ActBlue, the site that Democrats used to raise more than $1 billion during the 2018 midterm cycle. The site also goes beyond its liberal alternative in collecting data on donors, which it will add...

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WinRed: Venture between Revv and Data Trust

June 24, 2019

Excerpt: “It’s a great opportunity to leverage the excitement for President Trump out there,” said Henry Barbour, board chairman of the data management firm Data Trust, which is involved in the effort. “We’re not going to catch ActBlue overnight. But I’m very confident that it’s going to have a meaningful...

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Democrats Start Data Exchange Modeled after Data Trust

April 28, 2019

Excerpt: “[Howard] Dean recently signed on for an ambitious new project for Democrats: a data exchange aimed at enabling the party to amass the kind of voter intelligence that he said the Republicans have been using to their advantage for years… The [Democratic] data exchange, a for-profit entity that will...

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Democrats Playing Catch up to Data Trust

March 19, 2019

Excerpt: “Republicans’ voter database has long lived in a shared data exchange called The Data Trust, which allows a slew of Republican groups — from campaigns to state parties and even super PACs — to feed in and extract voter information. Democrats — whose data analytics outpaced Republicans’ in 2008...

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