Data Trust is the leading provider of voter and electoral data to Republican and conservative campaigns, parties, and advocacy organizations.
Harnessing the power of big data, Data Trust’s tools and expertise have been powering Republican and conservative victories across the country since 2011.
Data Trust’s exclusive data inventory consists of a deep collection of data on over 300 million individuals, with up to 2,500 data points on each, including hundreds that are unique to Data Trust. We specialize in working with clients to help them identify the data they need from our inventory so they can be confident they have the right data to engage voters with their message.
Data Trust data is accessible for clients engaging audiences across media platforms, and we offer support with our data-driven solutions to help keep clients’ efforts organized, cost-effective, and efficient. Our team also assists clients in understanding our data, including providing perceptive reports and dashboards that make complex information simple to understand.
Wisconsin modeled Republicans have proven to be more reliable voters, having a slight turnout advantage in the past two presidential elections compared to modeled Democrats.
Did you know that in 2020, President Trump set a record for votes in AZ, increasing his totals by 32.7% and improving margins in 11 out of 15 counties?
In the 2020 election, President Trump saw record support in Michigan, winning 28 of 30 fast-growing counties and boosting his vote total by 16.2%!
President Trump made history with the highest Republican votes in NC ever, winning 96 out of 100 counties!
From 2016 to 2020, Trump saw a 26% increase in votes, with major gains in Philly & Pittsburgh.
Releasing September 24
Releasing October 8