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Democrats Lag Behind GOP in Data Race, Despite Making Progress

By August 28, 2020January 24th, 2022No Comments2 min read

By Emily Glazer and Deepa Seetharaman

Excerpt from the Wall Street Journal:

Data Trust, the most widely used data warehouse on the right, provides a repository for roughly 2,500 data points about more than 300 million people that campaigns and outside groups such as super political-action committees can tap into, said Matt Lakin, its president. They can then use that information to target messages sent digitally or in the mail, or determine where to hold voter registration and turnout drives. Groups also feed new data they gather on voters back to Data Trust.

Data Trust, which has about 40 employees, brings in raw voter data from 50 states, such as lists of registered voters and voter history. Added to that is information purchased from other sources, such as contact information, as well as scores ranking how likely people are to vote, Mr. Lakin said. Republicans also have a similar data warehouse in i360, a data and technology firm backed by the Koch brothers, though it doesn’t have the same type of data-exchange agreement with the RNC and has branched into corporate work.

Since the 2016 election, Data Trust has been expanding its offerings, working to update state voter files, which include lists of registered voters, cellphone numbers and mailing addresses, much faster than it did during the last presidential cycle, Mr. Lakin said…