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New Voter File Format

June 26, 2023

Since the start of 2023, Data Trust has been working on the major project of unifying our voter file format to ensure that there is no difference in the way users interact with our data, regardless of where they receive it from. While many of these formatting changes were already...

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Wisconsin Absentee and Early Voting (AB/EV) Highlights

June 12, 2023

In the most recent Wisconsin Supreme Court election, the Democrat candidate won by a margin of 203,431 votes, or 11%, with modeled Democrats having an 8-point advantage in turnout levels. The higher levels of turnout for modeled Democrats were impacted by voting at higher AB/EV rates compared to Republicans. The...

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Former Employee Spotlight

May 30, 2023

Abby: Welcome back to the Data Trust blog. This week we are joined by former employee and data extraordinaire Chester Bedell. Today we will be hearing a bit about him, his time at Data Trust, and what he is up to now. Thanks for agreeing to talk with us, Chester!...

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Data Trust’s Voter Registration Work

May 8, 2023

Data Trust has constantly updated voter file and consumer databases that allow us to identify strong voter registration targets. Data Trust is able to leverage these resources to create unmatched consumer file audiences and new movers lists, provide multiple methods to contact those targets, and track whether those individuals ultimately...

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